
For lots of people the idea of thinking about theology seems pretty boring. But it shouldn't be like that. Theology is about knowing and loving God. In this podcast, join Karl Deenick, a former pastor who now writes about and teaches theology as he digs deep into theology, the Bible and the Christian life, not just for the sake of it, but so we can love God more with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

Karl Deenick
Karl Deenick is the Community and Student Care Coordinator and a Lecturer in Theology and Preaching at Sydney Missionary and Bible College. He is the author of Righteous by Promise: A Biblical Theology of Circumcision (IVP), Washed by God: The Story of Baptism (Christian Focus), Gathered Together: The Beauty of Living as God's Church (Matthias Media) and a commentary on 2 Corinthians for the Reading the Bible Today series (Aquila, forthcoming).

Thinking Theology is a collaboration with Sydney Missionary and Bible College.

SMBC Sydney Missionary & Bible College

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