Essential and Non-Essential Theology
Baptism, election and predestination, the role of women in church, how the return of Jesus will take place, homosexuality, the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection of Jesus, even the divinity of Jesus—all those are issues that people who claim to be...
Baptism, election and predestination, the role of women in church, how the return of Jesus will take place, homosexuality, the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection of Jesus, even the divinity of Jesus—all those are issues that people who claim to be Christians disagree on. But someone must be right. Yet does it really matter? Can’t we just all agree to get along? Can’t we just agree to disagree? Do we have to draw lines? And if so, where do we draw them and how?
In this episode of Thinking Theology, we’re thinking about essential and non-essential theology. Is there such a thing? And how do we decide what is essential and what isn’t?