Where Does the New Testament Come From? (Part 2)
The Bible is not simply one book but 66 smaller books from all different times, places, cultures and languages all with one message. But where did they all come from? Who wrote them? And how did we end up with those 66 books? Over the last two episodes we’ve been thinking about those questions. We’ve thought about the Old Testament, who wrote it and how it was collected together, and then about who wrote the New Testament and when. In this episode we’re thinking about how the books in the New Testament were collected together. How did we get those particular books? Who decided? And what about other books that weren’t included?
For more info, see: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/justin-taylor/10-basic-facts-about-the-nt-canon-that-every-christian-should-memorize/